Sunny's Shiny Pokemon

Image Species Nickname Original Version
Annihilape Purple Puma Violet
Azurill Absinthe Violet
Beautifly Nym Omega Ruby
Chimecho Charming Legends Arceus
Clodsire Indigo Violet
Corviknight Castle Shield
Crobat Zillah Omega Ruby
Doduo N/A Violet
Drednaw Nora Violet
Ducklett Chuck Violet
Eiscue Pinky Violet
Electivire Alexa Violet
Fidough Suns Bun Violet
Gabite Gabi Legends Arceus
Gastrodon Gastrodonald Legends Arceus
Glameow Jiji Legends Arceus
Gogoat Goldie Violet
Gyarados Ketchup SoulSilver
Happiny Good Egg Legends Arceus
Haunter Miasma Legends Arceus
Ho-oh Horatio HeartGold
Hoothoot Moon Violet
Hoppip Hope Violet
Jumpluff Floss Violet
Kricketot Tottenham Legends Arceus
Liepard Lux Black
Machamp Bruce Shield
Marill Sølve Violet
Orthworm Doctor Worm Violet
Parasect Cordyceps Legends Arceus
Psyduck Derwin Violet
Pyroar Imogen Violet
Rapidash Rarity Legends Arceus
Sandshrew BOOGER Sapphire
Scatterbug Scallywag Violet
Sealeo Aria Legends Arceus
Skiploom Pink Plum Violet
Skwovet Timber Violet
Snorunt Snowcone Legends Arceus
Spinarak Barbie Violet
Spinda Pukalyptus Omega Ruby
Sudowoodo Of The Trees Violet
Toadscruel Celia Violet
Tropius Frond Violet
Zebstrika Zelda Violet